Developing dApps
Helios provides a robust EVM-compatible and Cosmos SDK-based environment for developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) with enhanced interoperability, governance, and security features. Whether you’re building a DeFi platform, AI-driven dApp, or a cross-chain solution, Helios enables integration with multiple ecosystems.
Why Build on Helios?
- EVM & Cosmos SDK Support – Deploy smart contracts using Solidity (EVM) or leverage Cosmos modules for advanced blockchain functionalities.
- Interchain Compatibility – Directly interact with multiple chains through Hyperion Modules and I-PoSR staking consensus.
- Built-in Governance & Reputation System – Smart contract execution can be influenced by on-chain governance and validator reputation.
- Optimized Staking & Economic Model – dApps can integrate weighted staking models, benefiting from multi-asset security.
Helios Development Environment Setup
1. Install Required Dependencies
To start developing, ensure you have the following tools installed:
# Node.js & Yarn (for dApp development)
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install -y nodejs
npm install --global yarn
# Hardhat (for EVM smart contract deployment)
npm install --global hardhat
# Helios SDK (JS/TS Packages)
npm install @helios-chain-labs/proto @helios-chain-labs/transactions @helios-chain-labs/helios-ts-wallet
2. Connecting to Helios Testnet
Before deploying smart contracts or interacting with Helios APIs, connect to the Helios Testnet:
EVM Connection (Web3.js / ethers.js)
const { ethers } = require("ethers");
// Connect to Helios Testnet RPC
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider("");
// Load Wallet (Using Private Key)
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet("YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY", provider);
console.log(`Connected to Helios as ${wallet.address}`);
Cosmos SDK Connection Example (Helios SDK)
const { createWallet, signAndBroadcastTx } = require("@helios-chain-labs/helios-ts-wallet");
chainId: 4141,
cosmosChainId: '4141',
rpcEndpoint: '',
bech32Prefix: 'helios',
currency: {
coinDenom: 'HELIOS',
coinMinimalDenom: 'ahelios',
coinDecimals: 18,
// Generate a new Helios Wallet
const wallet = await createWallet();
// Get address and fund it via testnet faucet
console.log("Your Helios Address:", wallet.address);
// Create the vote transaction
const txVote = createTxMsgVote(
'', // Optional memo
proposalId: proposalId,
voter: sender.accountAddress,
option: voteOption
💡 Testnet tokens can be requested from the official Helios Faucet.
Deploying Smart Contracts on Helios (EVM)
Helios is fully EVM-compatible, meaning you can deploy Solidity smart contracts using Hardhat or Foundry.
1. Create a New Hardhat Project
npx hardhat init
cd my-helios-project
2. Configure Hardhat for Helios
Modify hardhat.config.js
module.exports = {
solidity: "0.8.20",
networks: {
heliosTestnet: {
url: "",
accounts: ["YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY"],
3. Write a Sample Smart Contract
Create contracts/MyContract.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
contract MyContract {
string public message;
constructor(string memory _message) {
message = _message;
function updateMessage(string memory _newMessage) public {
message = _newMessage;
4. Compile & Deploy
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat run --network heliosTestnet scripts/deploy.js
Interacting with Helios Smart Contracts (EVM)
Once deployed, you can interact with smart contracts via ethers.js
const contract = new ethers.Contract(
["function updateMessage(string _newMessage) external"],
await contract.updateMessage("Hello from Helios!");
Developing dApps with Helios APIs
Helios provides multiple on-chain APIs for developers to integrate into their dApps.
1. Querying On-Chain Data (EVM RPC)
const balance = await provider.getBalance(wallet.address);
console.log(`Wallet balance: ${ethers.formatEther(balance)} HELIOS`);
2. Querying On-Chain Data (Cosmos REST API)
curl -X GET ""
Helios enables developers to build scalable, multi-chain dApps by offering:
- Full EVM & Cosmos SDK compatibility
- Interchain staking & governance integration
- Hyperion-powered cross-chain interactions
- Developer tools (CLI, SDK, APIs, UI)
🚀 Ready to Build? Start developing today with Helios Testnet and Helios SDK!
📌 Helios Testnet Faucet:
📌 Helios Explorer: