Query for Epoch-Based Validator Rotation
The Helios blockchain's staking module provides a set of gRPC query endpoints to interact with its epoch-based validator rotation system. These endpoints allow you to retrieve data such as the current epoch, active and historical validator sets, epoch configuration, and system status.
This guide is tailored for developers building on the Helios blockchain, offering a technical overview of how to query these endpoints via a node's RPC interface using gRPC or RESTful HTTP GET requests.
All endpoints are accessible through a Helios node's RPC server, with gRPC on port 9090 and REST on port 1317 by default. This dual-access design supports a wide range of applications, from blockchain explorers to monitoring tools.
Overview of Available Endpoints
The following gRPC endpoints are available in the Helios staking module for epoch-related queries:
- EpochInfo - Detailed information about the current epoch.
- GetCurrentEpochHandler - Current epoch number and basic details.
- GetEpochValidatorsHandler - List of validators active in the current epoch.
- GetPreviousEpochValidatorsHandler - Validators from previous epochs.
- GetEpochLengthHandler - Configured epoch length in blocks.
- GetValidatorsPerEpochHandler - Number of validators per epoch.
- GetIsEpochEnabledHandler - Status of epoch-based rotation.
Each endpoint has a corresponding HTTP GET path for REST access.
Endpoint Details
1. EpochInfo
Description: Returns a detailed overview of the current epoch.
- gRPC Method:
- HTTP GET Path:
Request: QueryEpochInfoRequest
- No parameters required.
Response: QueryEpochInfoResponse
(uint64): Current epoch number.epoch_length
(uint64): Blocks per epoch.last_epoch_height
(uint64): Block height when the last epoch started.validators_per_epoch
(uint64): Maximum validators per epoch.epoch_enabled
(bool): Epoch rotation status.current_height
(uint64): Current block height.blocks_until_next_epoch
(uint64): Blocks remaining until the next epoch.
Example HTTP Call:
curl http://localhost:1317/helios/staking/v1beta1/epoch_info
Sample Response:
"current_epoch": "5",
"epoch_length": "1000",
"last_epoch_height": "4000",
"validators_per_epoch": "100",
"epoch_enabled": true,
"current_height": "4500",
"blocks_until_next_epoch": "500"
2. GetCurrentEpochHandler
Description: Retrieves basic information about the current epoch.
- gRPC Method:
- HTTP GET Path:
Request: QueryCurrentEpochRequest
- No parameters required.
Response: QueryCurrentEpochResponse
(uint64): Current epoch number.epoch_length
(uint64): Blocks per epoch.last_epoch_height
(uint64): Block height of the last epoch start.validators_per_epoch
(uint64): Maximum validators per epoch.epoch_enabled
(bool): Epoch rotation status.
Example gRPC Call (Go):
client := stakingtypes.NewQueryClient(grpcConn)
resp, err := client.GetCurrentEpochHandler(context.Background(), &stakingtypes.QueryCurrentEpochRequest{})
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Current Epoch: %d
", resp.CurrentEpoch)
3. GetEpochValidatorsHandler
Description: Fetches the list of validators active in the current epoch.
- gRPC Method:
- HTTP GET Path:
Request: QueryEpochValidatorsRequest
- Pagination (optional):
(uint64): Starting index.limit
(uint64): Results per page.
Response: QueryEpochValidatorsResponse
([]Validator): List of active validators.pagination
([]byte): Key for the next page.total
(uint64): Total number of validators.
Example HTTP Call:
curl "http://localhost:1317/helios/staking/v1beta1/epoch_validators?pagination.offset=0&pagination.limit=10"
4. GetPreviousEpochValidatorsHandler
Description: Retrieves validators from previous epochs.
- gRPC Method:
- HTTP GET Path:
Example HTTP Call:
curl http://localhost:1317/helios/staking/v1beta1/previous_epoch_validators
5. GetEpochLengthHandler
Description: Returns the configured epoch length in blocks.
- gRPC Method:
- HTTP GET Path:
Response: QueryEpochLengthResponse
(uint64): Blocks per epoch.
6. GetValidatorsPerEpochHandler
Description: Returns the maximum number of validators per epoch.
- gRPC Method:
- HTTP GET Path:
7. GetIsEpochEnabledHandler
Description: Checks if the epoch-based validator rotation system is enabled.
- gRPC Method:
- HTTP GET Path:
Using the Endpoints on a Helios Node's RPC
- Node RPC Access: Ensure your Helios node exposes gRPC (9090) and REST (1317) ports.
- gRPC Client: Use
with Helios staking proto definitions. - HTTP Client: Tools like
or any HTTP library.
Example gRPC Query (Go)
client := stakingtypes.NewQueryClient(grpcConn)
resp, err := client.EpochInfo(context.Background(), &stakingtypes.QueryEpochInfoRequest{})
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Current Epoch: %d, Blocks Until Next: %d
", resp.CurrentEpoch, resp.BlocksUntilNextEpoch)
These gRPC endpoints enable developers to query and monitor the Helios blockchain's epoch-based validator rotation system.
With support for both gRPC and HTTP, they integrate seamlessly into applications like dashboards, monitoring tools, and analytics platforms.