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EVM And Cosmos API's


Helios provides dual API compatibility, supporting both EVM JSON-RPC and Cosmos gRPC endpoints. This allows developers to interact with the blockchain using familiar tools from both ecosystems.



Helios is fully EVM-compatible, exposing standard Ethereum JSON-RPC endpoints. This means you can use popular Ethereum libraries like Web3.js or ethers.js to interact with the network.

Available Endpoints

  • Mainnet:
  • Testnet:

Example: Querying Balance with ethers.js

const { ethers } = require("ethers");
// Connect to Helios RPC
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider("");
async function getBalance(address) {
const balance = await provider.getBalance(address);
console.log(`Balance: ${ethers.formatEther(balance)} HELIOS`);

Supported EVM Methods

  • eth_getBalance
  • eth_sendTransaction
  • eth_call
  • eth_estimateGas
  • eth_getBlockByNumber
  • And all other standard Ethereum JSON-RPC methods
  • Helios Featured Methods:
  • eth_getAccountTransactionsByPageAndSize
  • eth_getBlocksByPageAndSize
  • eth_getCosmosAddress
  • eth_getCosmosValoperAddress
  • eth_getDelegation
  • eth_getDelegations
  • eth_getProposal
  • eth_getProposalsByPageAndSize
  • eth_getTokenBalance
  • eth_getTokensBalance
  • eth_getTokensByPageAndSize
  • eth_getTransactionsByPageAndSize
  • eth_getValidatorsByPageAndSize
  • eth_getAllWhitelistedAssets
  • And all other methods available in the section Supported EVM Methods

TODO: section dedicated Supported EVM Methods

Cosmos gRPC Support

Helios also implements Cosmos SDK's gRPC endpoints, enabling direct interaction with Cosmos-specific features like staking, governance, and IBC transfers.

Available Endpoints

  • Mainnet gRPC:
  • Testnet gRPC:

Example: Querying Validators using Cosmos gRPC

const { createWallet } = require("@helios-chain-labs/helios-ts-wallet");
const { QueryClient } = require("@cosmjs/stargate");
async function getValidators() {
const client = await QueryClient.connect("");
const response = await client.staking.validators({
pagination: {
key: new Uint8Array(),
offset: Long.fromNumber(0),
limit: Long.fromNumber(100),
countTotal: true
console.log("Active Validators:", response.validators);

Supported Cosmos Modules

  • x/auth: Account management
  • x/bank: Token transfers
  • x/staking: Validator operations
  • x/gov: Governance proposals
  • x/ibc: Inter-blockchain communication

Using Both APIs Together

Helios's dual API support allows developers to leverage the best of both worlds. For example, you can:

  • Use EVM APIs for smart contract interactions
  • Use Cosmos APIs for staking and governance
  • Combine both for cross-chain applications

Example: Combined API Usage

const { ethers } = require("ethers");
const { createWallet } = require("@helios-chain-labs/helios-ts-wallet");
async function crossChainInteraction() {
// EVM interaction
const evmProvider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider("");
const evmBalance = await evmProvider.getBalance(address);
// Cosmos interaction
const cosmosWallet = await createWallet();
const stakingInfo = await cosmosWallet.getStakingInfo();

console.log("EVM Balance:", ethers.formatEther(evmBalance));
console.log("Staking Info:", stakingInfo);

Best Practices

  1. RPC Node Selection

    • Use dedicated RPC nodes for production applications
    • Implement fallback RPC endpoints for reliability
  2. Error Handling

    • Always implement proper error handling for both API types
    • Monitor for chain-specific errors and handle them appropriately
  3. Rate Limiting

    • Respect API rate limits
    • Implement request caching when appropriate
  4. Security

    • Never expose private keys in your code
    • Use environment variables for sensitive configuration
    • Validate all responses before processing

For more detailed information about specific API endpoints and methods, refer to the Helios API Reference.


  1. - Ethers Typescript Library
  2. @helios-chain-labs/helios-ts-wallet - Helios Typescript Library