Installation Guide
This guide explains how to install and set up a Helios node using Heliades, the command-line interface (CLI) for interacting with the Helios blockchain. Whether you are running a validator, full node, or light node, this guide will walk you through the setup.
1. Pre-Installation Setup
Before installing Helios, ensure your system is fully updated and has the required dependencies.
Updating System Packages
To ensure your system is running the latest software versions, update all existing packages by running:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Installing Essential Dependencies
Helios requires several core dependencies. Install them with:
sudo apt install curl git jq build-essential -y
This will install:
- curl - Used for downloading files from external sources.
- git - Required for cloning the Helios repository.
- jq - A command-line JSON processor, useful for managing Helios logs.
- build-essential - Includes essential compilation tools for building Helios binaries.
2. Installing Go (Golang)
Helios requires Go to build and run. Install the latest stable version:
curl -OL
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.21.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
go version
Expected output:
go version go1.21.4 linux/amd64
3. Installing Heliades (CLI) - Compilation
The Heliades CLI is the main tool used to interact with your Helios node. To install it manually:
Clone the official repository:
git clone
Navigate into the directory:
cd helios-core
Build and install Heliades:
make install
Verify installation:
heliades version
4. Alternative: Using Pre-Built Releases
Instead of compiling from source, you can download a pre-built release from the Helios GitHub repository:
curl -L -o heliades
chmod +x heliades
sudo mv heliades /usr/local/bin/
heliades version
For macOS, replace heliades-linux-amd64
with heliades-macos-amd64
5. Alternative: Running Helios with Docker
If you prefer a Docker-based setup, you can pull the latest Helios node image:
docker pull heliosnetwork/helios-node:latest
Run the node:
docker run -d --name helios-node -p 26656:26656 -p 26657:26657 heliosnetwork/helios-node
To check logs:
docker logs -f helios-node
6. Initializing Your Node
Each node requires initialization with a unique name (moniker). To set up your node:
heliades init <your-node-name> --chain-id helios-mainnet
heliades init <your-node-name> --chain-id helios-testnet
7. Downloading the Genesis File
The genesis file is required to sync your node with the Helios network.
curl -O
mv genesis.json ~/.helios/config/genesis.json -
curl -O
mv genesis.json ~/.helios/config/genesis.json
8. Setting Up Peers & Seeds
To connect to other nodes and start syncing, update the config.toml
nano ~/.heliades/config/config.toml
Replace persistent_peers
with the latest peer list:
persistent_peers = "NODE_ID@IP_ADDRESS:26656,NODE_ID@IP_ADDRESS:26656"
Find the latest peers at:
- Mainnet Peers: Helios Peers List
- Testnet Peers: Helios Testnet Peers
Save the file and exit.
9. Running the Node
To start your node:
heliades start
Check logs:
tail -f ~/.heliades/logs/helios.log
10. Auto-Restart with Systemd (Recommended for Stability)
For continuous uptime, configure systemd:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/helios-node.service
Description=Helios Node
ExecStart=$(which heliades) start --chain-id helios-mainnet
Enable the service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable helios-node
sudo systemctl start helios-node
sudo systemctl status helios-node
Final Notes
- For further configurations (RPC, APIs, and network settings), see Configuring Your Node.
- Ensure your node is properly synced before participating in consensus.
- Monitor logs regularly to troubleshoot issues.